What is architecture? In essence, it is art. However, pretending that taking pictures of a building is child’s play will lead to mediocre photos. From finding the right light to slanting lines that should be straight, architecture photography can be a daunting task – it doesn’t matter whether you’re photographing older buildings or modern ones. In order to create awe-inspiring images, architecture photography requires thought, planning, and some tried-and-tested techniques.
Here, our commercial real estate photographer in Dallas describes 6 architecture photography techniques you can use to take amazing photos. So, read on!
6 Architecture Photography Techniques:
1. Don’t forget to capture details
First architecture photography techniques is that capture details.
While it’s sensible to shoot with a wide-angle lens, it’s not the best technique to use when photographing architecture. Why? Because buildings consist of thousands of little, intricate details that are lost when a room or a whole façade is shot in a single frame. By focusing on the details, a photographer might be able to reveal something extraordinary about the construction and history of the building.
2. Don’t exclude people if you don’t have to
Historically, photographers are reluctant to make people part of their photos when taking pictures of architecture, thinking that they contaminate the beauty. However, they must stop this trend as soon as possible because architecture simply couldn’t exist without us. So, don’t mind making people part of your images.
3. Discover unique angles
Third architecture photography techniques is that discover unique angles.
Who doesn’t like to play with perspective? It’s very entertaining, especially if you’re a passionate photographer. But what many people don’t know is, it can also reward you. By looking for different angles, you might unveil a building’s detailed abstraction or an overlooked form, presenting another level of appreciation and beauty for its form.
4. Focus on good lighting
It doesn’t matter when you’re taking pictures, always prioritize good lighting. With incredible architectural lighting, you’ll have the luxury to emphasize an atmosphere, a particular structure, or space.

5. Shoot during different times of day and in a variety of weather conditions
Often, photographers are on the lookout for the most dramatic lighting while shooting architectures, for example, during sunset, when the colors are bright and shadows are long. While this can lead to atmospheric images, it can encapsulate the atmosphere of the building at a certain point in time. By taking photos in a variety of weather conditions and at different times of the day, you’ll be able to use your photos to paint a more accurate picture of how the building relates to the environment.
6. Use post-processing tools
Last architecture photography techniques is that use post-processing tools
Today, photography is nothing without image processing. With the right post-processing tools, you’ll be able to tweak your images in a way that flawlessly aligns with the atmosphere. Yes, you need to understand what kind of changes are right and apply post-processing accordingly, software like Lightroom and Photoshop aren’t difficult to use for a number of advanced functions like lens correction.
Better Angle Media’s real estate photography in Dallas, TX, is better than the rest
We’re based in DFW Metroplex and our professional real estate photographer in Dallas has been serving the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area for almost ten years.
We also offer real estate 360 photography, drone photography, videography, and aerial photography in Dallas.
Reach out to us for more information!